Blended Advanced Dungeons and Dragons (Ran as 1st Edition)
Player Characters: In order to blend Basic, Advanced, and Advanced Second Edition Dungeons and Dragons together, certain sacrifices must be made on the part of the characters. a. Each character must be made using one of six Options (see below). Once you choose an Option to make the character with, you are restricted to the rules governing advancement, etc., from that set of books. b. Because of the varied systems governing Non-Weapon Proficiencies or Skills, characters in a blended game will not use them. Instead, the more subjective Secondary Skill system from DMG1 or PHB2 (see abbreviation definitions) will be employed. c. Psionics and Psionisist type classes for characters are not used in a blended game due to the varied differences in systems. d. Some ability scores and options are changed due to the blending. If using Option 6, Sub-Ability scores are not allowed. If using Options 1, 5, or 6, Comeliness is added as per UA or OA. If using Option 4, Honor is not used. The DM will provide a “generic” character sheet for use by all. e. The DM will convert all economies from the various Options to the standard economy in DMG1, gold standard. Characters buy their equipment from their Option or role-played from the DM. f. Spells can be taken from any of the D&D or AD&D books in a blended game. Divine spells can be memorized from any resource with DM approval. Arcane spells are given by the DM using DMG1 and any other resource. And all spell casters MAY use POSM’s point system if they like, but are restricted to the number of spell slots their Option generates for them. g. Because of the varied views on Alignment and the differences in systems, the Alignment definitions from are used. Player Characters must be Good or Neutral in Alignment. Option 1 characters must choose a Good-Neutral-Evil axis. Due to the blended nature of the game and the new Alignment definitions, character classes normally restricted to Evil Alignment, can be played as Chaotic Good, or any Neutral except Lawful. Classes normally restricted to Neutral Alignment, can be played as Neutral Good. Character classes normally restricted to Lawful Good Alignment can be played as Lawful Neutral. And Character classes normally restricted to any Good Alignment, can be any Neutral except Neutral Evil. h. When creating your character’s ability scores, use Method I from DMG1; roll 4d6, drop lowest (or one of the lowest), and place where desired. i. And to make it all work in combat and play, Attack Matrix (THAC0) and Saving Throws will be from DMG1.
Important Combat and DMing Stuff: a. The DM will use DMG1 as primary, and other resources as secondary for general play, including initiative from DMG2. b. A “critical” success is a natural 20 on the die, and damage is doubled if used to attack; while a “critical” fumble is a natural 1, and ends your attacks that round if in combat. c. The DM will use the standard MTP cosmology, Except; 1. All Evil and “negative” Neutral aligned “gods” are Fallen Angels who follow Chaos in his rebellion against The High God. 2. All Good and “positive” Neutral aligned “gods” are Angels of The High God. d. The DM will use DMG1 and other resources for experience point awards, including gold piece value.
AEG = AD&D 2nd Ed. Arms and Equipment
DD = AD&D Deities and Demigods (1st Ed.)
DLA = AD&D Dragonlance Adventures (1st Ed.)
DMG1 = AD&D Dungeon Masters Guide (1st Ed.)
DMG2 = AD&D 2nd Ed. Dungeon Masters Guide
GA = AD&D Grayhawk Adventures (1st Ed.)
LL = AD&D 2nd Ed. Legends and Lore
MTP = AD&D Manual of the Planes (1st Ed.)
OA = AD&D Oriental Adventures (1st Ed.)
PHB1 = AD&D Players Handbook (1st Ed.)
PHB2 = AD&D 2nd Ed. Players Handbook
POSM = AD&D 2nd Ed. Player Option: Spells
& Magic
POSB = AD&D 2nd Ed. Player Option: Skills & Powers
RC = D&D Rules Cyclopedia (Basic D&D)
TCPHs = AD&D 2nd Ed. Complete Player Handbooks
TM = AD&D 2nd Ed. Tome of Magic
This document is open content. See for more information on Open Gaming. Copyright 2002 Rodney E. Barnes M.Div.