Rodney E. Barnes

Goal: To fulfill God’s calling for my life in full time ministry.


1992 - 1996 Western Seminary Portland, OR

Masters of Divinity


1990 - 1991 Multnomah Graduate School of Ministry Portland, OR

Graduate Certificate in Bible



Computer Bulletin Board Systems, The Internet, Tinkering with Computer Hardware, Hunting, Fishing, Camping, Backpacking, Christian Music, and Social Games.


Ministry Experience:

1993- Present New Hope Community Church Clackamas, OR

Young Adults Senior Lay Pastor Leader



Rev. Dennis Hayes, 503-760-3049 Home, 503-231-7800 Work

Mr. Dan Pain, Branch Manager Safety-Kleen Corp., 503-655-5798 Work.

Dr. Phil Paulson, Pastor 1st Baptist of Kennewick WA, 509-586-6101 Work.